Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A good week

Well, the boy child had a pretty good week last week. After his appointment with Dr. H on Monday, during which they came up with the "recess plan", he went outside for recess every day, for the entire time. WITHOUT his jacket! And in the evenings he played outside with his sister and/or went to the park or for walks with DH. It was like his fear of the outdoors had never happened!

Sunday was a bit more hairy, though. We went to the school carnival, which was mostly outdoors, and there were quite a few butterflies and various other flying insects around. The boy child didn't have any major meltdowns, but there was a lot of flinching and a small amount of screaming/running. Nothing even close to the magnitude of what he was doing a month ago, though, and he wasn't so anxious that he couldn't enjoy himself. So that was good.

Monday morning I said, "So you're going outside for recess today, right?" and the boy said, "Actually, I'm thinking about staying in because of my allergies." So I reminded him of the 10-minute rule and he said he'd try to stick to it. And he ended up staying outside for the whole recess again. And he did it today, too! So I think we're on the right track.