Saturday, June 11, 2005

Long time, no blog!

I just realized it's been a while since I updated. Oops! Sorry about that!

Things have been going pretty well for the boy child. The only other meltdown he's had recently was yesterday at his taekwondo belt test. For some reason his headgear was bothering him and he got really angry and frustrated and started crying, which made him even more angry and frustrated and caused him to cry MORE, and it kind of became a Thing, but he was able to calm himself down and finish the test and after that he was fine.

He's still a bit flinchy around bugs and has run away from a few, but we've been going to the park several times a week and have been swimming a couple of times in the past couple of weeks and he's able to enjoy himself doing those things. He's not filled with anxiety the entire time. And today, he went off to a sleepover at his grandparents' house wearing shorts! That is a big deal, because the boy child hasn't worn shorts since last summer! He just refuses to wear them, I think because of the bug thing. I guess it finally got too hot outside, even for the boy child!

We see Dr. H again on Wednesday. This was supposed to be "graduation day", but we'll see. The boy child is definitely doing better with bugs than he was when we first started seeing Dr. H, but not as well as he was those last couple of weeks of school when he seemed miraculously cured. I think we'll probably continue to have ups and downs, though. Such is the nature of AS, I'm learning!