Sunday, April 30, 2006

Pretty day, annoyed mom

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous. A front came through during the night and scrubbed everything up, leaving behind blue skies, temperatures in the 70s, and a nice cool breeze.

The kids had swim lessons in the late morning (which continue to go swimmingly)(hee!) and afterwards we decided to stop by the local farmers market. We forgot how early in the season it is, given that it's already been pretty summer-like here, but fortunately there was one lone veggie vendor and we were able to pick up some vine-ripe tomatoes, sweet onions and a watermelon.

Of course, the minute we got to the market, the boy started freaking out about the bugs. There's a plant nursery at the entrance to the market and bees were buzzing around a few of the flowers. They weren't anywhere near us, but that didn't matter. The boy started crying that he wanted to go back to the car. Argh. We convinced him to press on, but he continued to freak every few seconds and started ticcing like crazy -- frantically brushing at his legs, arms and ears -- like he does during every bug freakout. There are a couple of restaurants in the market and we had decided to eat lunch there, thinking that it would be nice to sit outside and eat on such a lovely day, but the boy was having none of it. We ended up sitting inside to eat, which was fine, but not nearly as much fun. On the way back out of the market I really wanted to buy some herbs at the nursery, but the boy was DONE and there was no way that was going to happen.


Anyway, after all that we came home and lounged around a bit, (indoors, in the boy's case, though DH and I sat out on the porch and walked around the yard a bit) and then we watched The Empire Strikes Back which the girl child did not understand AT ALL and she was very unhappy and whiney about it, had dinner, and put the kids to bed.

The boy hasn't wanted to talk about the whole bug thing this year, either with us or with Dr. H. The problem isn't (yet) as severe as it was last year, but I REALLY think this is something he and Dr. H need to work on. I think I'm going to request more frequent appointments for the boy until they can work through this. Because I am so NOT spending the whole spring/summer indoors like we did last year.