In fact, he had a bit of an episode but I'm not sure if it was just the bugs that caused it. There is another family that plays in the park in the evenings, and they have a boy who seems to be close to the boy child's age. Like the boy child, this boy wears glasses and seems to be a bit, well, nerdy (not that all kids with glasses are nerdy or anything! it's more of a behavior thing). They talk about Legos and math and science and things like that. Frankly I've been thrilled to see the boy child playing with this other boy, because as those of you familiar with Asperger's know, it's highly unusual for an Aspie kid to just walk up to another kid in the park and start talking/playing.
However, this other boy is a bit more aggressive and outspoken than the boy child, and there has been some name-calling and some instances of this other boy making up rules to various games that the boy child just doesn't understand. At one point this evening the boy child got very angry and said he didn't want to play with the other boy anymore. Also, a third boy who was playing with them managed to accidentally hurt the boy child's wrist by swinging a baby swing hard when the boy child was walking by. And so, the boy child went into one of his angry/manic phases with lots of yelling and running around like a maniac and not being responsive to comfort or questions of any kind. When he gets like that, the best thing to do is just let him work it out on his own, and so that's what I did. It took him about 20 minutes to calm down, but then he was able to play with his sister for a bit and generally have fun again. Except for the bugs.
On the way home from the park, as we were walking along the sidewalk near our house, the boy suddenly broke from the girl child and me and just took of running and crying. I asked him what was wrong and he just kept yelling, "I don't know!" I couldn't get any other info out of him -- whether he'd seen a bug, or he was angry about something, or what.
We don't see Dr. H again until the 15th, but if things continue to slide downhill like this, I may call to see if we can get the boy in sooner than that. The 15th was supposed to be "graduation day" where therapy was concerned, but, um, maybe not.